In Sciences Po’s Engage course, students participate in an innovative independent project that uses field experience as a pedagogical tool.
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European Week 2021
The first edition of the CIVICA European Week took place on 8-11 June 2021.
Hosted by the Stockholm School of Economics, the European Week 2021 was a fully digital event(mainly due to the pandemic restrictions on travel).
Katarina Hägg, Vice President External Relations & International Affairs, Head of CIVICA at SSE, welcomes students to the European Week 2021
At a glance
The CIVICA European Week is both a stand-alone learning event and a central element of the CIVICA Engage Track. In 2021 it was a newly launched bachelor experience open to eligible students at the four participating universities:
- Bocconi University, Italy
- Sciences Po, France
- Stockholm School of Economics, Sweden
- The London School of Economics and Political Science, United Kingdom
- Some 40 bachelor students from SSE, Bocconi, Sciences Po and LSE working together
- 8-10 partner organizations working with the dissemination of knowledge about household finances
- High-school students from the Stockholm area
- Expert lecturers from the participating universities, the financial industry and civil society
- Your learning experience
- Topic of European Week 2021: Practical household finance
- Expert lecturers
Four days of intense learning by working in teams of students with various expertise (all areas of specialisation are welcome)
Four days of fast-paced learning to understand and improve how partner organisations work to share basic financial knowledge, including which stakeholders they reach, the channels they use and the obstacles they encounter
All guided by team tutors as you learn the context, understand the issues, engage with stakeholders, and produce a deliverable
- All done in a setting where you can meet socially with other students and the experts involved
- Day -1: Orientation for tutors & secondary-school students
- Day 1: Welcome, Lecture, Case presentations, Tutorials & group work, (D)mingle
- Day 2: Group Work, Lecture, Tutorials, Lecture, Group work, Student-led evening
- Day 3: Group work, Tutorials, (D)mingle, Group work
- Day 4: Breakfast (D)mingle, Tutorials, Project presentations (or submissions), Debriefing sessions, Farewell
- Day 5: Student-led social programme

No one doubts that reading and writing, the components of traditional literacy, should be available on equal terms to all if we are to have a fair and equitable society. This is a cornerstone of our commitment to public education.
What then about “financial literacy”? This was initially defined as “the ability to use knowledge and skills to manage one’s financial resources effectively for lifetime financial security.”
Research shows that knowledge on this topic is generally low, and especially low among people who have had limited education opportunity or people with low incomes.
The CIVICA European Week 2021 aims to raise students’ understanding of this social challenge and support Stockholm-based organizations’ work to address it.

Marieke has won the 2019 Michael J. Brennan Best Paper Award for her paper with Emily Breza and Andres Liberman, ”The Labor Market Effects of Credit Market Information” in the Review of Financial Studies, and the 2017 Hans Dalborg award for excellence in Financial Economic Research. She also obtained research grants from Nasdaq foundation, FORTE, the Swedish Innovation Agency (VINNOVA), NBER, Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, Russel Sage Foundation, the Swedish Bank Research Foundation and the Filene Research Institute. Marieke’s research focuses mainly on individuals’ decision-making within the field of Household Finance and Empirical Banking. She is a member of AFFECT, a committee of the American Finance Association, to promote the advancement of women academics in the field of finance.
Anders Anderson is a Research Fellow and Senior Advisor to the Swedish House of Finance. He obtained his doctoral degree in 2004 at the Stockholm School of Economics. He held post-doctoral positions at the Institute for Financial Research (SIFR) and the University of Mannheim before being appointed Assistant Professor at the Department of Economics at the Stockholm University in 2006. In 2009, he returned to SIFR as Deputy Director. He was Director of the Swedish House of Finance between 2014 and 2021, and has been teaching the course Behavioral Finance at the SSE Master program since 2011. Andersons’s research is mainly focused on behavioral and consumer finance, but also include the trading behavior of individual and institutional investors. His research has been published in some of the world’s leading finance journals that has rendered him the 2016 AFBC Black Rock Best Paper Award and the 2018 GFLEC Financial Literacy Research Award.
Diogo Mendes is an Assistant Professor of Finance at the Stockholm School of Economics. He is a research affiliate at the Swedish House of Finance and Misum – Mistra Center for Sustainable Markets. His research interests are corporate finance, financial economics, and development economics.