Call for new CIVICA Ambassadors 2024/2025

Call for new CIVICA Ambassadors 2024/2025

Do you enjoy exchanging ideas with your peers from different European higher education institutions?

Are you eager to work in a multicultural and diverse environment?

Would you like to support pan-European student and (post)doctoral researcher collaboration?

Become a CIVICA Ambassador for the academic year 2024/25! You will work alongside students and (post)doctoral researchers who share your dedication to bring about a better Europe. You will benefit from rich exchanges of knowledge and ideas, countless networking opportunities, and the chance to contribute to an innovative higher education project.

What you should know

  • In the footsteps of the previous cohorts
  • The ten partner institutions of CIVICA
  • Your profile to become a CIVICA Ambassador
  • Your role as a CIVICA Ambassador

    As an Ambassador, you will act as an informal voice of the CIVICA alliance and bring the CIVICA communities closer together. Moreover, the position allows you to turn your ideas for collaborative projects into reality. Among others, the previous cohort was involved in the following CIVICA activities and offers:

    CIVICA unites ten world-renowned higher education institutions in Europe:

    Are you a student or (post)doctoral researcher at one of these universities?
    Apply to become the CIVICA Ambassador for this academic year (2024/2025)!

    • student or (post)doctoral researcher of any age, study programme and nationality enrolled at one of the ten CIVICA universities at least until the end of the spring semester 2023 
    • good level of English
    • active in your community
    • passionate about the value of collaboration across borders
    • excited about the CIVICA alliance and its opportunities
    • promote CIVICA’s mission, opportunities and events on your campus and beyond
    • act as a first point of contact for CIVICA for your peers and an informal voice of the alliance (e.g. provide testimonials)
    • propose bottom-up projects or participate in existing ones
    • participate in regular online meetings with the other Ambassadors and with the CIVICA representatives
    • participate in an in-person workshop with all Ambassadors hosted by the SGH Warsaw School of Economics
    • participate in civic engagement and dissemination activities and occasionally participate in CIVICA’s work package meetings to bring your perspective
    • help with the organisation of other CIVICA events and initiatives

    Expected time commitment: max. 15h/month

    Your profile and contact information will be displayed on a dedicated section of the CIVICA website.

    Interested in applying?

    Please check the table below to see the application process at your home university. 

    Partner institutionHow to apply Application deadline 
    Bocconi University 

    Please see detailed instructions here

    24 September
    CEUPlease see detailed instructions here1 October
    EUIPlease contact civica(at) to recieve more information about the application process.30 September
    Hertie SchoolPlease fill in this application form23 September
    IE UniversityPlease fill in this application form.27 September
    SNSPAPlease see detailed instructions here.5 October
    Sciences PoPlease contact marina.casanovarossi(at) for more information about the application process. 1 October
    SGH Warsaw Please see detailed instructions here

    9 October

    SSEPlease contact civica(at) to receive more information about the application process. 23 September
    LSEApplications will open September 30. Please see this webpage for details. 11 October

    Why become a CIVICA Ambassador?

    The former ambassadors say it better!

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    This video is hosted on the external platform Youtube and therefore requires your consent to our privacy policy.

    This video is hosted on the external platform Youtube and therefore requires your consent to our privacy policy.