Europe Revisited
In these complex and uncertain times, the European Union is facing various tensions. Phenomena such as migratory flows, (dis)integration processes, the green transition, or globalisation lead to multiple societal, political, structural and economic challenges. Understanding and addressing these challenges requires not only transdisciplinary approaches, but also reflections on the methodology itself.
Under this thematic priority, CIVICA scholars of various backgrounds address key issues about the EU from the perspective of social sciences. By examining cross-disciplinary topics such as migration or the environment, the area engages thematically with other CIVICA thematic priorities, in particular Challenges to Democracy in the 21st Century, and Societies in Transition, Crises of Earth.
Key topics
- Multilevel governance of migration
- Constitutional resilience in the EU
- EU and the world
- Green values and green economy in the EU
- Interdisciplinary approaches in EU-focused social science and humanities research
Seminar series
In regular seminars open to anyone interested, experts from CIVICA and beyond explore topics in the current public debate.
Re-watch the past seminars
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