CIVICA launches doctoral and postdoctoral training activities
On 10 February 2020, representatives of the universities in the CIVICA alliance got together at the European University Institute in Florence to discuss the creation of a common European space which enables early stage researchers to benefit from the expertise and the resources at partner universities and to collaborate across borders.
On 10 February 2020, representatives of all CIVICA partners got together at the European University Institute (EUI) in Florence for the kick-off meeting of Work Package 5 on doctoral and postdoctoral training.
Led by the EUI, this work package will organize a range of activities for Early Stage Researchers:
- exchanges across the consortium;
- a virtual PhD clinic to offer researchers the possibility to receive advice from faculty at partner universities;
- a digital platform for researchers to exchange ideas and carry out joint projects;
- co-taught methods and topical seminars;
- jointly organised summer schools;
- teaching opportunities.