Open Science, the Social Sciences and the CIVICA Alliance: A Roundtable Discussion
27 October, 12.00-1.30pm CET
Panel discussions; presentations; audience Q&A and polls
Read a summary of the roundtable>>
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What does Open Science mean in the context of social sciences? What are the drivers and barriers and what does best practice look like? How can the CIVICA alliance promote, support and collaborate on Open Science?
These are the questions that will be addressed at this roundtable discussion. Researchers at all levels at CIVICA institutions are invited to join the conversation. Panel discussions will feature contributions from CIVICA Research project coordinators and work package leaders, social science researchers and professional services. The event will be concluded with a summary of current work and future plans for Open Science on the Horizon 2020 funded CIVICA Research project.
The event was open to all researchers, students, PhDs and postdocs from the CIVICA alliance
12.00pm CET
Introduction: Susana Mourato, Pro-Director of Research, LSE, and lead of Open Science Work Package for CIVICA Research
12.15pm CET
Roundtable One: Drivers, Barriers and Best Practice for Open Science in the Social Sciences
Discussion led by Prof. Patrick Dunleavy, Emeritus Professor of Political Science and Public Policy and Editor in Chief of LSE Press with
- Dr. Denisa Kostovicova, Associate Professor in Global Politics, LSE
- Dr. Matteo Galizzi, Associate Professor of Behavioural Science, LSE
- Prof. Miklós Koren, Professor of Economics, CEU
Helen Porter, Research Support Manager, LSE Library
12.45pm CET
Roundtable Two: How Can We Develop Open Science across the CIVICA Alliance?
Discussion led by Sophie Forcadell, Open Science Coordinator, Sciences Po Library, with
- Prof. Guillaume Plantin, Professor of Economics, Vice President for Research at Sciences Po and scientific coordinator of CIVICA Research project
- Dr. Paola Dubini, Associate Professor at the Department of Management and Technology, Bocconi University
1.15pm CET
Next Steps for CIVICA Research related to Open Science
- Sophie Forcadell, Open Science Coordinator, Sciences Po Library
- Helen Porter, Research Support Manager, LSE Library
Notice: Video & audio will be recorded during the entire event and made available, partly or in full, on the channels of CIVICA, its member institutions, and partners. By joining the event, you automatically consent to the recording. If you do not consent to being recorded, please discuss your concerns with the event's host.
This event is organised in the framework of CIVICA Research, a project of CIVICA - The European University of Social Sciences. CIVICA brings together eight leading European higher education institutions in the social sciences to mobilise and share knowledge as a public good and to facilitate civic responsibility in Europe and beyond. CIVICA Research is funded by the EU's research and innovation programme Horizon 2020, under the chapter “Science with and for Society.”