Critical and Global? Interdisciplinary Approaches

Critical and Global? Interdisciplinary Approaches to Research and Teaching Agendas in European Studies

13 December 2021

Hosted by Central European University

Join a snowball seminar of CIVICA’s Europe Revisited theme group

Chaired by: Xymena Kurowska, Associate Professor of International Relations, Central European University and leader of the CIVICA thematic group "Europe Revisited"

This seminar brings together CIVICA Europe Revisited theme representatives and the research cluster “Decentering Eurocentrism” at the European University Institute for an initial conversation on revisiting European studies to confront impasses of knowledge production in this area. It will feature scholars with diverse disciplinary backgrounds who, from their particular angles, offer reflections on unorthodox and interdisciplinary modes of thinking in research and teaching at the contemporary European university. We will ask questions about what constitutes obstacles to integrating critical and pluralistic perspectives that could more productively respond to societal and political challenges and resist polarization, including as regards the EU’s standing in global and local politics. The seminar is intended as an informal scholarly get-together that can inspire a broader discussion on interdisciplinary European studies across CIVICA.