CIVICA Research Collaborative Hackathon

CIVICA Research Collaborative Hackathon: Societies in Transition, Crises of Earth

22-24 November 2022
Online event

European societies are confronted by multiple crises. The manifestations of crises such as social inequalities, climate change, the COVID-19 pandemic, geo-political fragmentation or the continuing loss of nature may vary, but they are connected at the root: unsustainable development patterns.
Join us for the next in our series of collaborative online events which focuses on the interlocking environmental crises of the Earth. Led by the Stockholm School of Economics and London School of Economics, this event will present participants with the opportunity to engage with environmental crises of wildfires and drought in Europe.
Cutting edge data sets and techniques will be shared with participants to provide them with the skills and knowledge to examine the situation through the lens of societal transitions.
Recognising the need for integrated solutions based on integrated diagnoses, participants will select from two tasks as they form teams to produce outputs. These tasks will be to either produce an App Concept Design or an Infographic. These will then be subject to the review of an expert judging panel.
The event will bring together faculty, students, and other interested parties from CIVICA Research partner institutions and beyond to tackle these challenges that cross physical and disciplinary boundaries and require innovative solutions. Exclusive data sets will be shared with participants in advance to allow them to work with this ahead of the event.
We welcome registrations of teams or individuals. If you register as an individual, you will be allocated to a team on the first day of the Hackathon. If you wish to register as a team please ensure that all members of the team register separately using their own email address and list the same team name in the registration question.

Register for this event here >>

For more information, contact dsi.comms(at)


This event is organised in the framework of CIVICA Research, a project of CIVICA - The European University of Social Sciences. CIVICA Research brings together researchers from eight leading European universities in the social sciences to contribute knowledge and solutions to the world’s most pressing challenges. CIVICA Research is funded by the EU's research and innovation programme Horizon 2020.

Privacy Notice

The LSE Data Science Institute will use the data being collected e.g. name and email address to register you for this event. By completing this form you show your consent for the School to send you information about this event. We need this data in order to register you for this event and will only ever process it in line with your rights. You can ask the School to stop sending you this information by contacting DSI.Comms(at) The data does not leave the UK/EU. Further information on how the School manages personal data can be found on the School’s website.

Photo credits: Corina Mitrescu

To join

The events will be held on Zoom at the following times:

22 Nov 14:00 - 16:00
23 Nov 14:00 - 15:00
24 Nov 14:00 - 17:00